System Maintenance occurs every Friday.
Semiconductor and integrated circuit developments continue to proceed at an incredible pace. The industry as a whole has gotten to this point of incredible complexity through the process of countless breakthroughs and developments in wafer fab processing. Today’s wafer fab contains some of the most complex and intricate procedures ever developed by mankind. Introduction to Processing is an online course that offers an overview look into the semiconductor manufacturing process, and the individual processing technologies required to make them. We place special emphasis on the basics surrounding each technique, and we summarize the current issues related to manufacturing the next generation devices. This course is a must for every manager, engineer and technician working in the semiconductor industry, using semiconductor components or supplying tools to the industry.
Please email the printable registration form for online training to us at the email address on the form to complete your order.
Interested in a version of this course where you can ask questions in real time? Public and In-House versions of this course are available!
Registrants learn basic but powerful aspects about the semiconductor industry. This skill-building series is divided into four segments: